Samstag, 14. Dezember 2019

Christmas Wishes from Vienna and Finland

The kids of 1c and 1b class wrote and decorated nice Christmas cards for the Finnish students and we created a short Christmas video:

Finnish students are curious reading the Christmas cards from Vienna ;-)

And our Finnish colleagues also sent photos and prepared a video for us!

Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2019

Begabungsförderung in der NMS/VBS In der Krim: Unverbindliche Übungen

Voluntary afternoon subjects according to the 9 competences of Gardener:





 Art and Crafts

Erasmus+ project "Our planet our Future"



 Peer Mediation


Begabungsförderung in der Krim: Language Workshop Day Oktober 2019

Video impressions from our Language Workshop Day in October 2019

Video Link