Sonntag, 12. September 2021

Introducing Austria - Video for the Finnish students

 The 2b class recorded a short video introduction of Austria for the Finnish students.

During the Erasmus+ job shadowing mobility of the Austria teachers in Finland, the Finnish students will be invited to watch the video and do a Kahoot quiz about Austria afterwards.

Dienstag, 31. August 2021

Ateliertag at the Krim

 On June 29th the MS In der Krim organised a exciting workshop day for students, called "Ateliertag"


See also our "Ateliertag magazine":


Feedback from the students

Science Projects at the Krim

Ms. Bäck and her students took part in a very interesting plastic workshop challenge

 And Ms. Bäck showed her students how to dissect a fish


Award ceremony "Begabungssiegel für die MS/VBS In der Krim"

 The Corona situation didn't allow a big ceremony, but in June 2021 we were finally officially honoured with the "Begabungssiegel" - the award for gifted education at school